Important Information

Here you can find important information about our course

Date: 12 April – 16 April 2021

Application deadline: 31 March 2021

Language: English

Mode of study: online short course

Target group: University students currently enrolled in or recently graduated from a Bachelor´s or Master’s degree program, preferably one related to the topic of this year’s Spring University, e. g. Area Studies, International Relations, Political Science and Geopolitics, or another relevant field of study. Our course is open to students regardless of their age or country of residence.

Anticipated number of participants: 15 to 25.

Academic staff: scholars from the Institute of International Studies and outside experts.

Fees and costs: 300 EUR (ca 7900 CZK).

Total price includes: tuition (for all lectures, an introductory and a wrap-up session, group workshops, discussions, etc., as mentioned in the programme below); readings and other materials (on-line versions will be at your disposal after enrolling); an individualised evaluation of the participant’s performance, discussions and assignments; an official certificate confirming attendance; and a transcript to gain ECTS credits.

Scholarship opportunity: We do not provide any special financial support for attending the Online Spring University.

Academic Credit: Two or four ECTS credits (see below).

Requirements: attendance of a minimum of 85 percent of course presentations, completion of individual assignments, active participation in group projects and discussions.

There are two options for gaining ECTS credits after successful completion of all requirements of the Online Spring University:

  • Two ECTS credits: Students will earn two ECTS credits for active participation in the programme, including attendance (minimum attendance of 85 percent of course sessions), preparation for the sessions and class discussion (reading of assigned materials), and active participation in assigned group projects. Additionally, students will have to submit a 4-page essay on the topic of the Online Spring University. The student’s work must be submitted within two weeks after the course finishes.
  • Four ECTS credits: Students will earn four ECTS credits for active participation in the programme as described above. Additionally, students will have to submit either an 8-page essay on the topic of the Online Spring University or the product of an assigned group or individual project (e.g., a podcast on the topic of the Online Spring University). The student’s work must be submitted within three weeks after the course finishes.

After fulfilling all requirements, students will receive an official transcript with two or four ECTS credits and their grades. We use the ECTS grading scale of A to F, where A is the best and F means failed.

In addition to the official transcript, students who have actively participated will get an official participation certificate after the course finishes. This official certificate does not have any grade or number of credits stated on it.